About Us

Griduino > About Us

Barry K7BWH

Barry K7BWH has been all over the Pacific Northwest, activating dozens of grid squares on VHF bands. His goal is to hand out rare grids to hams that seek contacts in rare and remote locations, and he’s achieved some awards for doing so. He got his first amateur radio license in 1968.

However, people have found that it’s difficult to navigate by grid names. Although maps and consumer navigation devices help find roads and give directions, they aren’t much help for the Maidenhead Locator System. So, Barry came up with “Griduino”. As a driver, this is great for a bright readout of grid squares that is easily viewable in all lighting conditions. It’s a dedicated always-on device that doesn’t consume internet data and doesn’t tie up a smartphone.

Barry earned an Electrical Engineering degree from WSU, and then worked for IBM and a series of gradually smaller companies until working for himself as he neared retirement.

Barry Hansen K7BWH

John KM7O

John KM7O is an electronics engineer with a career in a variety of electronic products relating to aerospace, naval weapons research, commercial airplanes, and consumer products. He got his first ham radio license in 1956 and has remained active throughout his life. He’s currently an Extra class license. He plays saxophone and arranges music for his group that plays frequent engagements such as local senior center dances. Griduino is a stimulating project done with Kicad schematic capture, circuit design, board layout, JLC PCB board fabrication, assembly, debug and test.